
Genesis 1 bible study
Genesis 1 bible study

So heliocentrism is not terribly scientific but definitely religious in origin. Then Johannes Kepler, who was an astrologer (not an astronomer or scientist) in the court of Emperor Rudolf II who was the king of Hungary and surrounding territory, decided that since God was at the center of the Christian faith, the occultists should have the sun (ancient sun god worship?) at the center of the universe. Then the Catholic church got involved with Nicolaus Copernicus and heliocentrism was born. Until sometime around the 1600’s, the Biblical version of creation and of the flat, stationary Earth was believed. The Bible teaches that the Earth is flat, stationary, supported on pillars, covered with a crystal like covering or tent, and that the sun, moon and stars are under the covering (firmament) and travel around in the Heavens over the Earth to act as signs, to provide lights in the heavens, to differentiate the seasons, and to provide a method of keeping time. (Neither of these nouns will be found in the dictionary, but they are the terms being used publicly by people debating both sides of the issue.) However, the LORD expects the whole of His Word to be preached and taught, and so this writer has returned to Genesis to show what God says about His creation. This writer has avoided discussing the controversy between what has been termed “flat earthers” and “heliocentrists” as this web site in not intended to be political.

genesis 1 bible study genesis 1 bible study

Therefore heliocentrism is a myth or wishful thinking based on religious superstition. Gravity cannot be proven either by scientific experimentation.

genesis 1 bible study

mountains and valleys, but there is no curve to the shape of the Earth. Yes, the surface of the Earth contains bumps and dips, i.e. In fact, all scientific experiments conducted to prove the curvature of the Earth have shown that the Earth is flat and not curved. Heliocentrism cannot be proven scientifically. It teaches that since the Earth is spinning at approximately 1000 mph and racing through “space” to circle the sun in approximately 365 days, there is an invisible force called gravity that holds everything and everyone onto the ground and that stops the oceans from falling off, etc. It teaches that the Earth turns completely around once every 24 hours or so and that it is tilted at an angle on its axis (an imaginary line). It teaches that the sun is millions or billions of “light years” away and there is the possibility that there is life on other planets. Heliocentrism is the belief that the sun is the center of the universe, and that the Earth and other planets orbit around the sun and that they are spherical or ball shaped. Scientists and theologians for centuries have taught heliocentrism as if it was fact and have ignored what Scripture teaches about the Earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars.

genesis 1 bible study

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Verse 2 And the earth was without form, and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Christian chooses to believe in an all powerful, all knowing, invisible, and all present God, who manifests Himself three different ways, and who created all things because He cares and loves what He has made, and that He has a plan for this Earth and for the people, critters and plant life occupying it. Everything in our world is far too complex to have just developed by random events. In other words, things did not just happen. Many scientists will admit that when they look at the order and beauty of a plant or at the chemical makeup of a substance that there is evidence of “intelligent design”. The Biblical claim that there is a being called God, and that He created everything we can see with our eyes and detect with our senses and with today’s technology, and everything we cannot see with out eyes or detect with our senses and with today’s technology, is no more extreme or ridiculous than all the theories that have come and gone over the approximately six thousand years humans have occupied the Earth. Scientists and theologians alike have argued the origins of both human life and the Earth for years and, although theories such as the “big bang” and evolution have been developed by men and taught relentlessly in educational settings, the truth is that all the theories of the origins of man and of the Earth are not provable and are just theories, not fact. Verse 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 1 bible study